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Magnat Style Travertine

Perfectly imitates natural travertine with its characteristic pits and irregularities

zł 150.98

Price of a set sufficient for 10m of wall assuming coverage of 1 kg per m2

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Opis produktu

MAGNAT Style Travertine is a fine-grained, mineral plaster based on a limestone binder in powder form. Correctly applied, it perfectly imitates natural travertine with its characteristic pits and irregularities. Recommended for decorating residential interiors as well as public use premises. Looks fascinating on architectural elements, such as fireplaces, columns, etc.

Rock effect on walls – a method for an elegant and cosy interior

If you like natural materials and toned-down interior space in earthy colours, you might want to apply a noble rock texture to walls, reminiscent of travertine. The interior will become cosy and extremely stylish, particularly if it is complemented with dark, wooden fixtures and fittings.


  • Living room
  • Dining room
  • Bedroom
  • Corridor, Hallway
  • Wall
Travertine was already a popular building material in antiquity. Vases and statues were made out of it in ancient Egypt. And that's where its other name originates from – Egyptian alabaster. Today that rock is used as decorative material. However, as is the case with rocks – sometimes their physical properties make them difficult to work with in a house or apartment. And real rocks do not come cheap. That is why decorative plaster is such a good idea.

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